It Takes You

7: Transparency and Starting Over Again with Jane Park

Tannya Bernadette

When you have an idea you just can’t shake, that’s a surefire sign you’re destined to bring that idea to life. Put away misgivings of what could go wrong and what others might think—just make it happen. 

Jane Park, the founder of Tokki, did just that. Both of her businesses have been based on important messages she wants to share with the world. It all started back when she and her family immigrated to the United States from Korea while she was still very young. That experience literally pushed her to find her voice in all parts of her life. Navigating between the culture she grew up with and her new culture here in the US has proved to be similar to finding her way in new business experiences. What first seems foreign later becomes second nature when you learn to adapt by immersion and commit yourself to learning everything you can along the way.  

My Favorite Highlights:

  • The big mistake younger women make when looking for a mentor
  • Overcoming the vulnerability of starting a new business
  • The taboo topic of trying to make payroll
  • Letting go of feeling like you have something to prove
  • Knowing which ideas you should invest in

Find Jane Park on Instagram at @janeparkseattle or on her website at

Find Tannya Bernadette on Instagram at @thecloset.edit or online at

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