It Takes You

11: The Power of Connection to Yourself and the World with Renessa Guerrero

Tannya Bernadette

How much do you really believe in yourself? Even in the most difficult moments of your life, how do you personally find the faith to continue moving forward? Today, my soul sister, friend, and mentor will open up your heart to see that truly everything you want is possible. Growing up homeless, at one point living in a car, her mother planted the seed of love and manifestation. That determination bolstered her for the rest of her life. As an adult, she’s owned several businesses and has gone from owning a strip club to running her own show.

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  • Planting the seed of faith in your children during difficult times
  • Questioning the calling of your soul and spirit
  • Changing your mindset from taking to giving
  • What it feels like to follow signs and intuition
  • How vulnerability sets you up for success

Find Renessa on Instagram at @renessatv 

Find Tannya Bernadette on Instagram at @thecloset.edit or online at

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