It Takes You

23: Normalizing Down Syndrome And Making Uncomfortable Topics More Comfortable

Tannya Bernadette

When something is different or not talked about enough, it makes it uncomfortable to ask the questions.

My friend Sheryl Pasamonte makes it ok to talk about what it's like to be a mama to a baby with down syndrome and her journey of infertility.

In this conversation we talk about:

  • The Misconceptions about Down Syndrome
  • How miscarriages can take away the simple joys of pregnancy
  • What you should NEVER say to someone who has a child with down syndrome
  • Accommodating your life to make time for you and for work


" What lifes is like with down syndrome? Life isn't much different." - Sheryl Pasamonte

"Don't limit yourself by the boxes the world puts you in. You are so much more." - Sheryl Pasamonte

"Wherever you are at, Whatever you are dealing with, you get to create the story of your life." -Tannya Bernadette

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Find Sheryl's beautiful posts on life with baby Boogie @SherylPasamonte

Tannya Bernadette is on Instagram at @TannyaBStyle